Let Go of Dieting Day!

We are three weeks into 2015 and that’s three weeks rejecting diets. I know this is hard work and you are brave! Would love to know how things are going. My thoughts here.


I mention Healthy Weight Week in the video. This special week always lands the third week of January since that’s when most if not all New Year diets fail. Remember, the diet failed NOT you. To start Healthy Weight Week, today is Let Go of Dieting Day.  Here’s more info about it.

The #FoodPeaceChallenge gathers people and professionals rejecting diets. We want to make 2015 diet free! If you are new to the challenge, welcome! Find community of support using #FoodPeaceChallenge on Twitter or leave a message in comments.



Food Voice PLEDGE

Diets don’t work–which means it’s not your fault they’ve never worked for you! Join me in taking a stand against diet culture:

Sign the pledge